
Sinergias entre arte y ciencia of Rufo Criado can be seen in the Museum of Human Evolution CAREX, Atapuerca, until December. And Confluencias (fucsia y arcilla) in the Municipal Museum

Eduardo Nave expone su serie Normandie en la Fragua de Tabacalera ‘Normandie: Les rivages du débarquement’, sobre el desembarco de Normandía, coincidiendo con su 75 aniversario. La exposición consta de

Nora Aurrekoetxea presents at Royal College of Art xXxxXXxxxX, a durational performance(3h) based on the text “to fall or/and touch. a radical transformation of the intimate sphere”. From June 29th to

Juan silió Gallery is participating in ART NEW YORK, that will take place from 2nd to 7th of May. The gallery is presenting works by the Spanish artist Rafa Macarrón